Invest in Our Planet - One Wear Freedom

Invest in Our Planet

Every year on the 22nd April it is Earth Day, and this year’s theme is “invest in our planet”. This theme, according to (the global organiser of Earth Day), aims to generate a greater focus on solutions to climate change and inspiring everyone, including businesses and governments, to do their part. So, in today’s blog post I am going to run through what investing in our planet can look like, from what us as individuals can do, to what governments urgently need to implement.
21 April, 2022
World Environment Day - One Wear Freedom

World Environment Day

It was only a month ago that we were harping on about World Earth Day and now it’s World Environment Day so which came first, the earth or the environment? Well, we wouldn’t be here without either so let’s not chicken and egg this situation. The first World Earth Day was in 1970 just beating the UN’s World Environment Day to the punch which was launched in 1972, with the first global celebration taking place in 1974. It was a good decade for environmentalism but why do we celebrate these types of international days in the first place? 

31 May, 2021
Every Day is Earth Day - One Wear Freedom

Every Day is Earth Day

There is no way to detach ourselves from the earth - unless Elon Musk actually works out how to live on Mars in his quest to make humanity multiplanetary - thus we know that every day is earth day but through large-scale, collective celebrations organised around Earth Day we can get everyone else up to speed.

Earth Day is our chance to shout louder than we’ve done before (whilst continuing to bore the tits off our family and friends every other day). Starting tomorrow, we can all take part in 3 Days of Climate Action.

19 April, 2021