Social Justice
International Human Solidarity Day
On Monday it is International Human Solidarity Day. The UN defines International Human Solidarity Day (IHSD) as a day that celebrates human unity and diversity, whilst acting as a reminder for governments to stick to their pledges and raise awareness for the ‘Sustainable Agenda’.
Modern Slavery and The Fashion Industry
When people think about slavery, they might think about horrific events and systems of power that took place in the past, which eventually were abolished. However, that is not really the case. Slavery is still alive and well today – you might’ve heard the term ‘modern-day slavery’ mentioned in the news or around social media. In fact,there are more people today trapped in slavery than ever before.
Intro to Ecofeminism
Without gender-equality and racial justice, there is no environmental justice. Ecofeminism was born from an awareness that a holistic solution to all must be created and globally adopted. In broad terms, this movement brings together (you guessed it), environmentalism and feminism in both political activism and intellectual critique.
OWF's Inspiring Women of March
On March 8th, International Women’s Day, we Chose to Challenge: challenge gender stereotypes, misogyny, sexism and violence, amongst many other inequalities. It was a chance to champion the achievements of women and it felt like a truly empowering day. It arrived in the heartbreaking wake of the search for Sarah Everard which has sparked a global conversation over the ingrained fear shared by all women as we are taught from a young age to be “prepared” for that which stole Sarah from her family and friends.